What is Darker Days? Despite what the cover looks like, no it is NOT another angels VS. demons book. This is a book about Elementals, teenagers who possess the powers of the four elements: air, water, fire, and earth. Then, there's Devon, who personified darkness (as well as holding the spot as this book's MC and narrator) as well as Karen, who is spokesperson for Darkness but personifies the element of light.
Sounds like a messed up world, doesn't it?
Here's a look.
SP: In the war between darkness and light, what side
are you on?

His mother abuses him, his father abandoned him, his little
sister hates him, and his only friend is the biggest science geek
in his class. His main goal in life is to graduate high school
and get as far away from life as he can.
Those plans change when Clarity Rivers moves to town.
She's beautiful, she's instantly popular, and she has a
weird obsession with Devon.
Devon is soon drug into a war between the powers of dark and
light. When given the choice, will he choose to battle for good,
or will he turn to the darkness that has plagued his life?
And there you have it, followers. Want an exert of the first chapter? You got it!
My life wasn’t always so complicated. I used to have a family, a home, a school I hated and people I did stupid stuff with. Light didn’t always burn my skin or sear away my soul. I never had friends who were element controlling freaks or mentors who were constantly dying off as their abilities were discovered.
I never used to live in the dark.
I know what you are thinking, and no, I am not a vampire. I don’t have fangs, drink human blood (or animal blood, for that matter) and I don’t walk around at night in a tuxedo and the horrible clichéd red cape. I’m Darkness, with a capital D. None of this daytime-nighttime shit they try to sell you. There is only Light and Dark, and I personify the latter.
Oh joy. I get to spend my lifetime running into walls and falling over shit. There’s no stupid night vision, I don’t have owl eyes, and I am clumsy as hell. Basically, it translates to a lot of bruises and a lot of cursing. Oh, but I do have spotlights on my face. Yeah, my eyes glow in the dark, but they don’t help me see. Useless. I guess they don’t glow so much as they reflect the moon, making them silver in the night light. I have to wear shades when I go out or people know what I am….not normal.
Alright, I think that's enough for now. If you want to read more, here's a link:
There's your sneak peak at Darker Days!! Stay tuned for looks at the other two possible novels.
J.D. Montgomery